Could you be one of them?
Sometimes there’s a quick fix, and other times you may need to see an expert for a closer look. Here’s what to know.
Clogged ears are no fun. You might have a feeling of pressure or fullness in your ears. Sounds could be muffled. And you might feel the urge to “pop” your ears to unplug them.
There are many reasons that ears feel plugged up, from flying on an airplane to having a cold. And sometimes there’s a quick fix you can make on your own. Here are common reasons your ears could feel clogged up, plus what to do about it.
A cold can cause swelling and extra mucus at the back of the nose, says Jessica Lee, M.D. She’s an ear, nose and throat doctor (ENT) at Charleston ENT & Allergy in South Carolina. This swelling can also affect eustachian tubes, which connect the middle of your ear to the back of the throat.1
What to do: The uncomfortable feeling in your ears should get better as your cold clears up. If you have a runny nose, use a saline nasal rinse a few times a day to help with post-nasal drip, says Dr. Lee. Try an over-the-counter decongestant for a stuffed-up nose.
Could you be one of them?
Plugged-up ears are common when you fly on an airplane. You may notice pressure building up in your ears during takeoff or landing. It happens when your middle ear is affected by sudden changes in altitude.2 Driving through mountains or taking an elevator in a tall building can also cause this sensation. So can scuba diving.
What to do: There are a few things you could try.2, 3
Swimmer’s ear is an infection of the outer ear canal. It’s caused by water that stays in your ear after swimming or showering. When there’s too much moisture in your ears, germs can grow.4 Symptoms of swimmer’s ear include ear pain, redness, pressure in the ears and trouble hearing.
What to do: Dry your ears thoroughly with a towel after getting out of a pool or the shower.5 Tilt your head down to the right and then the left, gently tugging on your earlobe. This will help drain the water from your ear.
Earwax is key for keeping your ears healthy.6 It traps dirt and protects your ear canal from bacteria. But when earwax builds up, it can cause an earwax blockage. This can make your ears feel plugged or full.
What to do: You can try over-the-counter softening drops for a few nights, says Rececca Welles, Au.D. She’s an audiologist and clinical assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. Never use cotton swabs to try to remove wax. Digging in your ear with a swab can damage your ear canal.6 It can also push the wax further into the canal, causing more discomfort.
And if the plugged feeling doesn’t go away? Have an expert check your ears for wax. You can see your primary care provider (PCP), an ENT or an audiologist. These providers can remove earwax safely. They may scoop, suction or irrigate it out, says Welles.
Kids get middle ear infections much more often than grownups do. But ear infections can happen as an adult, says Brian Kellermeyer, M.D. He’s an ENT and associate professor at West Virginia University. And they can cause that feeling of fullness in the ears. Ear infections are often caused by a cold virus or other respiratory infection.7
What to do: See your PCP or an ENT for an exam. “Correct diagnosis is critical since many things can cause ear fullness and pain,” Dr. Kellermeyer says. If your doctor suspects the infection is caused by bacteria, they may prescribe an oral or topical antibiotic.
Allergies can make you sneeze, sniffle and feel miserable. Plugged-up ears are another common symptom.8 Seasonal allergies can be triggered by pollens outside. Dust mites, mold and pet hair cause indoor allergens.
What to do: Try a nasal steroid spray, which can help decrease swelling in nasal passages, says Dr. Lee. You can buy these over the counter. If you have questions about which one to choose, talk to your PCP.
There are plenty of ways to find relief from plugged up ears. And it often depends on what’s causing that blocked-up feeling in the first place. If using home remedies doesn’t improve your clogged ears within a week, make an appointment with an ENT, says Dr. Lee.
What if that plugged-up feeling clears up but you still have trouble hearing? Then it may be time for a comprehensive hearing test with a hearing care professional. They can help determine if your hearing issues may be due to something else, and whether you could benefit from hearing aids.
Did you know that many benefits, including a hearing exam and consultation, are covered through EPIC Hearing Healthcare? Learn more.
Information is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical provider. Consult your provider prior to making changes to your lifestyle or health care routine.