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Background noise may make it hard to focus on conversations, especially for people with hearing loss. Try these tips to help manage those sounds.
Background noise is all around us, day in and day out. The sound of your neighbor’s lawnmower. Chatter in a crowded restaurant. Traffic on a busy street. All these are examples of background noise.
The sounds don’t even have to be loud. They can be subtle, such as the hum of a refrigerator or the wind blowing outside, says Veronica Sutter, Au.D. She’s an audiologist with Live Better Hearing + Balance in the Richmond, Virginia, area. “Background noise is any sound in your environment that competes with the sounds you want to hear, like conversation or music.”
Background noise may be especially challenging for people with hearing loss.1 That’s true even if you wear hearing aids.
Why? Hearing loss often reduces the brain’s ability to filter out unwanted sounds, explains Sutter. That means background noise can easily overwhelm the sounds you’re trying to hear.1 This could make it difficult to understand people you’re speaking with.
Read on for expert tips on how to manage background noise in your daily life.
If you want to have a conversation with a friend or loved one, try to do it in a quiet environment.2 This means turning off or muting the TV — even if the baseball game is on.
Look for sneaky sources of noise, such as ceiling fans or a dishwasher. Turn off what you can, recommends Sutter. If it’s something you can’t turn off (a leaf blower outside, for example), try to get away from the source of the sound.
Turn your back to the noise, go into another room or close your window.
EPIC Hearing Healthcare helps members access hearing exams, hearing aids and more. Sign in to learn more and check eligibility.
Eating out is a fun way to connect with friends and family. But it may feel isolating if you can’t hear anyone at the table. There are a few things you can do to reduce background noise.1, 2, 3
Let’s say you’re going to hear a lecture or you’re attending services at your place of worship. You’ll be able to hear the main speaker better if you sit near the front.
“This can reduce the distance between you and the speaker, making it easier to focus on their voice,” says Sutter. To get a good seat, you’ll likely need to arrive early to the event.
Another tip: Contact the venue ahead of time to ask if they offer a hearing loop. This is an assistive hearing system that delivers sound from a public address system directly to a telecoil inside your hearing aid. It allows you to hear a speaker more clearly in a public space and reduces distracting background noise.
Many hearing aids come with a telecoil.4 But it’s a good idea to check with your hearing care professional if you’re not sure.
Hearing aids can help make a big difference in your ability to hear. But they need to be programmed to fix the problem of background noise. How come? Hearing aids amplify sound, but they don’t always know what you want to focus on, says Sutter. “Without proper programming or technology, they might amplify everything equally, making it hard to pick out speech in a noisy room.”
Talk to your hearing care professional about your hearing aids and their features. Ask for help in programming them. “They can be programmed to focus on sounds coming from specific directions — like the person you’re facing — while reducing noise from other sources,” says Sutter.
Through EPIC Hearing Healthcare, you get up to 3 follow-up visits at no extra cost and a trial period to try out your new prescription hearing aids. Learn more.
Want to chat with a friend more easily at a restaurant? A remote microphone transmits sounds to your hearing aids using Bluetooth technology.
This accessory can be a game changer in one-on-one situations, says Sutter. It cuts down on distracting background noise so you don’t have to strain to hear conversation. You just clip the mic onto the lapel or shirt of the person you’re speaking with.
If you’re at a meeting or a group dinner, a table microphone is also a good option. This accessory picks up the dominant speaker at the table and amplifies the sound to your hearing aid.
Not sure where to begin? Ask your hearing care professional to help you pick the right accessories for your lifestyle. They’re also able to fine-tune your hearing aids for noisy environments. The goal? To help you enjoy conversations with the people you love, no matter where you are.
Information is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for the advice of a licensed medical provider. Consult your provider prior to making changes to your lifestyle or health care routine.
Hearing aids purchased in the Silver technology level will receive 1 follow-up visit.